PTB Letters (#4) Negotiating tactics: “The General’s expenses are very great”

Negotiating tactics: “The General’s expenses are very great”

Daguerreotype portrait of a very young Charles Stratton (aka, General Tom Thumb) with his father, Sherwood Stratton, ca. 1844.  Charles’s parents accompanied their son on the three-year tour of Europe organized by P. T. Barnum. Collection of the Barnum Museum.

P. T. Barnum’s extraordinary, enduring legacy overshadows the early years of uphill work before his fame—and that of his protégé “General Tom Thumb”—was widespread.  Continue reading “PTB Letters (#4) Negotiating tactics: “The General’s expenses are very great””

PTB Letters (#3) The General’s Clothes and Carriage Stir Up Excitement

The General’s Clothes and Carriage Stir Up Excitement

Frederick the Great Tom Thumb
The Illustrated London News, December 27, 1845 Courtesy of the Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library

Every “batch” of letters I read from P. T. Barnum’s 1845 – 1846 copy book offers a rich assortment of intriguing details, and with that, I am faced with the difficult task of choosing which to highlight in my brief scribblings. Continue reading “PTB Letters (#3) The General’s Clothes and Carriage Stir Up Excitement”