Community Engagement Message from the Executive Director

These are busy days!

Now that we are all getting the hang of social distancing, zoom meetings, and precisely where our mask fits best on our face so as to not fog-up our sunglasses, it’s time for back-to-school.  Whether it be college or kindergarten, so many of us are facing the challenge of finding yet another ‘new balance’.  Give us strength!

As the weeks have melted into months, it’s been a joy to read these letters.  Letters written by a fairly young P.T. Barnum that reveals all the hopes, dreams, struggles and jubilance of a young visionary seeking his place in the world.  These words and emotions were expressed over 175-years ago, and astoundingly today, we can still feel and relate to the strife and determination to succeed, do good for ourselves and our families, and perhaps make the world a little bit better a place for our effort.

So to everyone, and particularly all the moms and dads heroically performing the ‘greatest juggling act on earth,’ here’s to a smooth transition!


Stay safe, stay strong.

Kathleen Maher,
Executive Director

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