Join Executive Director Kathleen Maher and the Barnum Museum’s staff and friends for regular updates on all things Barnum.

Barnum Video Du Jour!

Barnum Video Du Jour! Today's “Latest & Greatest!”  GIANTESS | The Biggest Modern Woman of the World! | Anna Swan There are so many more videos to watch! This week's 'Rui's Choice'! Showman Shorts! P.T. Barnum & Aquaria The Barnum Museum YouTube Channel has over 125 videos for you to enjoy!  Watch our Emmy-nominated Showman’s Shorts series

Barnum Video Du Jour!

Today’s “Latest & Greatest!”  Curious People Wanted: The Curious Case of the Tiny Shirt!   There are so many more videos to watch!   This week’s ‘Rui’s Choice’!   Showman Shorts! Humbugged! The Story of Ivy Island

Barnum Video Du Jour!

Today’s “Latest & Greatest!”  Showman’s Shorts: Tom Thumb’s Costumes There are so many more videos to watch!   This week’s ‘Rui’s Choice’!   Curious People Wanted: Herr Driesbach – Big Cat Whisperer!

Voices for Women’s Rights in Unlikely Places

When the latest issue of Atlas Obscura popped up in my Inbox on the Monday after Christmas, its timely subject title caught my eye: “When Mrs. Claus cracked the North Pole’s glass ceiling.”

Barnum Video Du Jour!

Thank you for all the wonderful views and feedback on the Barnum Museum’s YouTube channel!  Don’t forget to subscribe! We’re happy to bring you another – Showman’s Shorts!   Join special host, Betsy Golden Kellem, and explore these new, minute long fascinating facts about P.T. Barnum, his life, times and extraordinary enterprises!  Today’s episode: P.T. Barnum, the Prince of Humbugs!

PTB Letters (#75) Wonderful Discoveries

This week’s blog post, #74, is the last in the series featuring one of the Barnum Museum’s greatest treasures, P. T. Barnum’s letter copybook from 1845 to 1846. 

Barnum Video Du Jour!

Thank you for all the wonderful views and feedback on the Barnum Museum’s YouTube channel!  Don’t forget to subscribe! We’re happy to bring you another  Curious People Wanted!  Today’s episode: Jumbo the Elephant & the Brooklyn Bridge

PTB Letters (#74) I Shall Be Punctually at Spillman’s

Barnum returned to England in early summer of 1846 after a few weeks’ visit home.  For reasons we will never know, there is a considerable gap between the time of his return and the dates of the last letters his copybook. 

Barnum Video Du Jour!

Thank you for all the wonderful views and feedback on the Barnum Museum’s YouTube channel!  Don’t forget to subscribe! We’re happy to bring you another – Showman’s Shorts!  

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